Stress differs for everyone, and it is unrealistic to think we can live without stress. Incorporating humor and laughter can lighten your load mentally and induce physical changes in your body. Laura Halladay, NDTR, Family & Consumer Sciences Educator, Ohio State University Extension, Greene County, will be joining us at the Fairgrounds Rec. Center Park […]
Cooking for one is usually no fun! We will explore why cooking for one is a challenge. You will learn strategies for cooking nutritious, appetizing meals for one more satisfying reason. Be motivated to prepare nutritious, appetizing meals, even for just one person! Laura Halladay, NDTR, Family & Consumer Sciences Educator, Ohio State University Extension, […]
David Mullikin Local singer from Xenia, in the park. David enjoys performing songs from various eras for your enjoyment. Music in the Park It’s that time of year for Music in the Park! Let’s get together and listen to some “oldies but goodies” tunes! Let’s get out into the Greene County Parks and listen to […]
Come join us along with adult members of our community for a delicious PICNIC IN THE PARK! There will be lots of good food fit for a picnic including hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, veggies, & refreshing drinks. We will spend time together in the park and sharing fun memories of our past and present; and, listen to […]
Join us at the Fairgrounds Recreation Center Park to learn the Secret for creating and maintaining beautiful porch pots! Kim Hupman, Horticulture Program Assistant, Ohio State University Extension, Greene County, will be joining us to present information in reference to the topic of “Porch Pots”. Kim will present helpful information and answer questions on the topic […]
When is the last time you saw or were in close contact with a bird, a turtle, or a snake?! Well, come join GCP&T Naturalists, at the Fairground Recreation Center, where you will see some of those beautiful creatures. You will also learn about their habitats, their eating habits, and their ability to survive in an […]